Wednesday, September 29, 2010


slip-sliding at the going away party.


slip-sliding at the going away party.

family photo

family picture in front of the assembly hall.


The Mexican cook.


The Spanish style food.

A mariachi band

they played for us as we ate lunch

Lother Mihank

Lother in his viking hat thing.


German food at the branch's going away party. Some costumes were funny.

Oscar and Connor

A real Mexican


Connor's imitation of a Mexican

Saying 'goodbye'

the branch committee give there goodbye talk.

Branch committee

The branch committee with there presents.


Breakfast at bethel, listening as the daily text is read.

Family photo

Our last picture in front of the branch before its close.

Steven and Ronnie Mcdowel

missionaries in Chepo.

Oscar and Danniel Brown

missionaries near David.

Bon Bon

keeping cool

Bon Bon has gotten sneaky

Bocas gets too hot for Bon Bon.

getting bigger

bon bon loves her little monkey from mcdonalds